About Emil Heron

I’m Emil Heron, the heart and spirit behind Reasoned Faith Books. If you’re on a quest to deepen your connection with your faith, you’ve come to the right place. Over two decades in the corporate world have taught me the value of structure and strategy, which I now apply to every aspect of this business.

My experience hasn’t been all spreadsheets and boardrooms; I’ve also been deeply immersed in public service. Those years showed me the profound impact that commitment and community have on individuals and society as a whole. These experiences are the pillars upon which I’ve built Reasoned Faith Books. It’s not just about curating Catholic books and merchandise, it’s about creating a haven for those who, like you, are on a spiritual journey.

You’re going to find out about an array of carefully selected resources that aim to energize and enhance your faith. Each book, each piece of merchandise, has been chosen not just for its artistic value, but for its ability to speak to the soul. At Reasoned Faith Books, we believe in the transformative power of what we share.

My Mission of Empowerment and Inspiring Faith

I’ve always believed in the transformative power of a good book or a meaningful piece of merchandise. That’s why at Reasoned Faith Books, every item on our shelves isn’t just a product, it’s a stepping-stone on someone’s spiritual journey. I’ve carefully selected resources that I trust can support, inspire, and bring solace to people as they navigate the ups and downs of life.

You’re going to find out about the heart of Reasoned Faith Books here. My mission is, and has always been, to provide a helping hand to those on the path of deepening their faith. It’s not just about selling Catholic books and merchandise; it’s about equipping you with the tools to cultivate a richer, more fulfilling faith experience.

Sharing personal anecdotes and stories is a cornerstone of how I connect with others. Maybe it’s a tale of hope from a struggling reader who found solace in one of our devotionals, or it’s a joyous recount of a community uplifted by our faith-driven initiatives. Whatever the story, it’s these human connections and shared experiences that fuel my passion and reaffirm the importance of every item I’ve curated for Reasoned Faith Books.

Advocating for All Creatures & Fostering Compassion

When I’m not immersed in the world of Catholic literature and creative merchandise, you’re going to find out that my heart extends beyond the pages and products of Reasoned Faith Books. I’ve always been drawn to the plight of pets, rescues, and strays. Their stories of struggle and resilience echo the very lessons that so many of the books I share aim to impart.

Like many of you, I find that there’s a special kind of inspiration that comes from God’s creatures. Their unconditional love and the joy they infuse into our lives can’t help but inspire. It’s that very inspiration that I bring into every aspect of Reasoned Faith Books. By fostering compassion and advocacy for these animals, I’m hoping to create a ripple effect that encourages others to do the same.

You can always adjust your approach down the road, but I’ve chosen to leverage Reasoned Faith Books as a platform for expression, for care, and for shining a light on those without a voice. With every book you read, every piece of merchandise that resonates with you, I hope you’ll feel inspired to spread that same love and resilience in your communities.

Now, as our journey together today is nearing its end, I really hope that the story of Reasoned Faith Books and my personal ethos resonate with you. Whether you’re here to deepen your own faith or simply to support a cause you believe in, know that your contribution makes a difference – in more ways than one.

And remember, this isn’t just about a store or a brand. It’s about building a community. So connect with me, share your stories, and let’s continue this journey together. Thanks for stopping by, and please, take a moment to check out our latest offerings and join our mission of compassion and faith.

8 thoughts on “About Emil Heron”

  1. Hello Emil, I’m pleased to meet you! And I really loved your presentation. I do like the fact that you integrate your faith into your daily life. Faith is extremely important for many of us; and I firmly believe that the spiritual mainly precedes the physical plane. Anyway, I wish lots of success with Reasoned Faith Books, and I hope you’ll reach many people through your ministry!

    • Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. It’s truly important to weave faith into our daily lives. My aim is to offer a variety of resources to invigorate and enrich one’s faith journey, making it easier to integrate into one’s everyday experiences.

  2. Hi, I enjoyed reading about your sincere faith and how you practice it in your life. Your mission of empowerment and inspiring faith is very powerful. Is your faith focussed totally on the Catholic Church or do you embrace other Christian Churches? I admire the strong faith that you have and your desire to build a community. Would that be around a church, or independent of the church? Alan.

    • Hi Alan,

      Thank you for your thoughtful message! I appreciate your interest in my faith journey and the mission I’m passionate about. Let me share my perspective with you.

      As a convert from evangelical and Protestant faith to Catholicism, I’ve found that my Christian faith is deeply intertwined with the Church. While I respect and appreciate other Christian denominations, my heart resonates with the rich traditions, sacraments, and teachings of the Catholic Church. For me, it’s difficult—if not impossible—to separate my faith from this beautiful community.

      My desire to build a community is rooted in fostering dialogue among all denominations. I believe that we can learn from one another, celebrate our shared beliefs, and engage in respectful conversations even when we hold different perspectives. Whether within the Church or independently, I aim to inspire faith and empower others through genuine connections.

      Thank you again for reaching out, Alan. May our shared journey of faith continue to deepen and enrich our lives.


  3. Emil, your journey and the mission behind Reasoned Faith Books are truly inspiring. It’s wonderful to see how you’ve combined your corporate experience and public service with your passion for faith and compassion. The way you’ve curated resources to support and inspire others on their spiritual journeys is commendable. I particularly appreciate your advocacy for animals and the emphasis on fostering compassion in the community.

    Question: How do you go about selecting the books and merchandise for Reasoned Faith Books? Are there specific criteria or a process you follow to ensure each item aligns with your mission and values?

    – Scott

    • Hi Scott,

      Thank you for your kind words! Selecting books and merchandise for Reasoned Faith Books involves a thoughtful process. We prioritize materials that align with Catholic teaching, promote spiritual growth, encourage compassion for people and animals, and come from credible sources. Each item is carefully reviewed to ensure it supports our mission of inspiring and supporting others on their spiritual journeys.

      Best regards,


  4. Hi there. It seems in these times that more and more people are turning away from faith and religion in general. The media doesn’t help as they seem to attack Christianity, yet have nothing bad to say about other religions. Do you see the turn away from faith as an issue and do you believe that the media are biased against Christianity in general? I’ll be interested in your thoughts. 

    • Hi there!

      I do see the turn away from faith as a significant issue. The media’s biased portrayal of Christianity exacerbates this problem, often highlighting negative aspects while neglecting the positive contributions. Factors such as secularization, scientific advancements, and a focus on individualism contribute to this decline. Engaging with the media to provide balanced perspectives, strengthening faith communities, and educating people on Christian teachings are crucial steps to address this issue.

      Best regards,



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